Jon DeBell's Blog

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Location: Charlotte, North Carolina, United States

Saturday, February 27, 2016

What happens in Vegas...

... hopefully doesn't stay in Vegas!  We're in the middle of our second day of the crusade in Victoria/Las Vegas area in Honduras.  We had a great time last night as we joined the second night of the crusade.  There was joy in Las Vegas as songs of praise filled the air.  I felt the prayers of many people as I preached.  Several people came forward to publicly profess their faith in Christ.  Gloria a Dios!  We are praying for an even greater response as we have the final service.  An evangelist from Guatemala is preaching tonight.  Be praying for him and for the Spirit to have complete freedom to work in people's hearts and draw them to Jesus.  People here are working and praying big prayers for this entire area to be impacted with the gospel and changed for eternity.

This morning we had 150+/- children and younger youth come to a special event just for them.  This is a milestone for the 20 or so churches involved as most churches do not do any significant work with their children.  We're praying for this mindset to be changed and for the many children of this region to gain a solid spiritual foundation in their early years.

Tomorrow it's off to the mountains for four hard but meaningful days of ministry.  We hope to install a water filtration system for the village, build upon the good start that new believers there have received and of course, share the gospel and see more added to the family!

Hopefully a few of the pictures of the events of the past couple of days will upload.  Please continue to pray for us.  I love you all!


Thursday, February 25, 2016

Honduras Mercy and Grace 2016

We're at the airport waiting on our flight to Houston and then Tegucigalpa.  We've had a little glitch in that our Greensboro group's flight was canceled this morning.  Pray for them to be able to connect with us quickly and for God's hand to be evident in how He works all things together for good.

It will be a little surreal once we get to Yoro province.  We won't be bombarded with presidential political reality shows.  People won't be concerned about the latest trends in fashion or the newest tech items to buy.  We will see far too many people who don't know where their next meal is coming from.  We will encounter children with correctable vision problems, but who have no money or access to care.  We'll see children not permitted to attend school simply because they can't afford a school uniform.  We'll encounter all sorts of physical problems that have left the victims with little hope that things will ever be better.  There will be evidence of obvious abuse, neglect, and inhumane treatment of people created in our Father's image.

We will meet all that we encounter with the Hope that is found in Christ.  We are blessed to be His witnesses to the precious people we will meet.  It is a joy to carry the gospel to some who have never heard.  We covet your prayers more than we can say!

To all my family and friends back home know that I love you and will carry you with me in my heart wherever I travel!