Two Suitcases...
Imagine that you had two suitcases to pack all your personal belongings in--everything you'd need and want for the two years that you would be living in a country half way around the world. What would you pack? A favorite pair of jeans or two? Socks and underwear...can't do without those! How many pairs of shoes could you fit in? A Bible and a few special books would be a must for me (I'm just not into reading books on a machine!). Before you know it you would reach your limit. Lots of things you'd like to have and some things you'd feel like you really needed, but no room. Too bad.
For most of us this would be an interesting mental excercise. But for two friends and their children that is the reality they face in the near future. "Ron", "Babe", and family are heading to Asia to serve with our International Mission Board. Perhaps even today they are packing their two suitcases each and preparing to leave country, family and friends for the next two years. What a commitment that involves such a sacrifice.
And why? The simple answer is that they love Jesus and want others to know and love Him too! They willingly give up some of the creature comforts of living in the United States to identify with the people to whom they will go and take the Gospel. They are motivated because what they leave behind is not nearly as significant as what they carry with them--their faith.
We at East Baptist will be receiving reports from time to time of how we can best pray for Ron and Babe. Can they count on us to do that very thing?
For most of us this would be an interesting mental excercise. But for two friends and their children that is the reality they face in the near future. "Ron", "Babe", and family are heading to Asia to serve with our International Mission Board. Perhaps even today they are packing their two suitcases each and preparing to leave country, family and friends for the next two years. What a commitment that involves such a sacrifice.
And why? The simple answer is that they love Jesus and want others to know and love Him too! They willingly give up some of the creature comforts of living in the United States to identify with the people to whom they will go and take the Gospel. They are motivated because what they leave behind is not nearly as significant as what they carry with them--their faith.
We at East Baptist will be receiving reports from time to time of how we can best pray for Ron and Babe. Can they count on us to do that very thing?