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Location: Charlotte, North Carolina, United States

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Tuesday in Israel

Sunset from our hotel room!

Cap'n Dennis steering our boat on the Sea of Galilee

Three baptism buddies preparing to take the plunge in the Jordan. Not only did I get to baptize two wonderful brothers, Bryan and Patrick, I got baptized myself and got to swim just a bit in the Jordan too!

I defer the rest of our report tonight to our ghost writer, Sheila Sommers. Thanks Sheila!!!
-Another exciting and beautiful day. Warm temperaturesand sunny bright blue "Carolina/Israel" sky.
Here are highlights. Our day started at Kursi whereJesus cast demons into pigs that ran into the sea.Then on our way to Capernum we walked across the RiverJordan. In Capernum, "The Town of Jesus" we sawremains of a Church built over the spot where Peter'smother-in-law lived and Jesus stayed. Capurnum is alovely place with lots of flowers. Our next stop wasTabgha the site of the feeding of the 5,000 andPrimacy of Peter. We went down to the Sea of Galileeand got a rock. Just standing there at the Sea wasreally exciting. Jon did a reading and prayer. Nextstop - the Mount of Beatitudes where Jesus preachedthe Sermon on the Mount. We read the Beatitudes fromthe Bible and had some free time to walk around thegrounds. Then off to Tiberias and lunch.
After lunch we went to the baptism site at the JordanRiver and Jon baptized two of our group, Patrick andBryan. This was a great experience!! After the men gotcleaned up, we went back to Tiberias for a wooden boatride across the Sea of Galilee. Jon read a greatstory and Gila had the captain stop the boat so shecould point out interesting locations on the shore.Our last stop of the day was The Ancient Galilee Boat.We saw a very interesting film on how the boat wasdiscovered and unearthed and then we got to see theboat itself. It is 2,000 years old and was inremarkable shape. The display was a combination ofvideo and photo presentations. Very well done.
Only two days left. We leave the hotel on Thursdaymorning for a full day then on to Tel Aviv and theairport.
Another busy day on Wednesday.

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