Thirst for Connection
I like to think of myself as tenacious. Some who know me well might call it stubbornness! Which leads me to my story...
We had an awesome day today(Sunday). We journied to a place I had never heard of, Har Bental, a mountain on Israel's border with Syria. From the top of the mountain we had a wide panoramic vista. We could see Mt. Hermon off to the west. It's the tallest mountain in the area and according to our guide, the most probable wite of the Lord's transfiguration. Leading off to the north we could see the Damascus Rd. We had a brief woship service above what had been a military bunker in Israel's earlier wars.
After several other stops we headed back to where we are staying near Hazor. Several of us wanted to get on the net to connect with family and friends back home. But only Seth, Elise and myself were adventurous enough to get off our tour bus in a strange town to look for an internet cafe on our own.
Qiryat Shmonah is a fairly large town, but after looking in the mall, in shops on the street and asking around we found none. "Not to worry. We'll just catch the next bus to Rosh Pina where we heard another digger say he had found a cafe."
We finally found a bus stop--but no bus would stop. So we walked and walked back to the center of town to the central bus station where we finally caught a bus. Over two hours from when we began our search we arrived in Rosh Pina and once again after much walking and asking probably a dozen people we found the cafe!!! We ordered some cool drinks and at last we were able to connect with the outside world.
Riding on the bus back to our hotel a question crossed my mind. Do I persevere to the same extent to connect with God each day? I had spent time, energy, effort walking on a bum ankle(another story), and more money than planned all to get online. What do I invest each day in communicating with the God who loves me?
Some sites we visited today point us the right direction when viewed in light of scripture:
We had an awesome day today(Sunday). We journied to a place I had never heard of, Har Bental, a mountain on Israel's border with Syria. From the top of the mountain we had a wide panoramic vista. We could see Mt. Hermon off to the west. It's the tallest mountain in the area and according to our guide, the most probable wite of the Lord's transfiguration. Leading off to the north we could see the Damascus Rd. We had a brief woship service above what had been a military bunker in Israel's earlier wars.
After several other stops we headed back to where we are staying near Hazor. Several of us wanted to get on the net to connect with family and friends back home. But only Seth, Elise and myself were adventurous enough to get off our tour bus in a strange town to look for an internet cafe on our own.
Qiryat Shmonah is a fairly large town, but after looking in the mall, in shops on the street and asking around we found none. "Not to worry. We'll just catch the next bus to Rosh Pina where we heard another digger say he had found a cafe."
We finally found a bus stop--but no bus would stop. So we walked and walked back to the center of town to the central bus station where we finally caught a bus. Over two hours from when we began our search we arrived in Rosh Pina and once again after much walking and asking probably a dozen people we found the cafe!!! We ordered some cool drinks and at last we were able to connect with the outside world.
Riding on the bus back to our hotel a question crossed my mind. Do I persevere to the same extent to connect with God each day? I had spent time, energy, effort walking on a bum ankle(another story), and more money than planned all to get online. What do I invest each day in communicating with the God who loves me?
Some sites we visited today point us the right direction when viewed in light of scripture:

"As the deer panteth fot the water, so my soul panteth for thee, O God. My soul thirsts for the living God." --Psalm 42:1-2

"He that believes in me as the scripture has said, out of him shall flow rivers of living water."--John 7:38

Exhausted after our first day's dig. But that's another story too!
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